Register for the webinar

Embracing the Future of Healthcare for Veterans

Join us for a free transformative webinar on digital advancements in veterans' healthcare.

Veterans deserve the best in healthcare. At ACF Technologies, we're committed to ensuring they receive it. Dive deep with our expert business developers as they unveil how ACF's cutting-edge solutions are transforming VA healthcare facilities across the nation.

Your speakers:

Stephen Carr
Amanda Haynes

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Please complete the form, and we'll email you the webinar's link.

Why Attend?

ACF Technologies is at the forefront of healthcare innovation for veterans. Our solutions, backed by real-world success stories, are designed to integrate seamlessly into VA healthcare facilities. By attending our webinar, you're not just gaining insights; you're becoming a part of a movement that prioritizes the well-being and care of our nation's heroes.

During this session you will:

  • Get Expert Insights: Gain firsthand knowledge from ACF's seasoned business developers.
  • Discover Success Stories: Learn from two real-life case studies where our solutions have made a tangible difference in veteran-assisted healthcare facilities.
  • Experience Our Journey Mapping: Understand the customer journey map with ACF's integrated solutions, ensuring a seamless experience for both healthcare providers and veterans.
  • Access Your Exclusive Assessment: Get an invitation to take our proprietary customer experience assessment, helping you gauge where you stand and how you can improve.
  • Learn Actionable Strategies: Walk away with actionable insights to elevate the healthcare experience for veterans.

Why Q-Flow?

Q-Flow is the core platform that powers our suite of next-generation customer experience and queue management solutions. This comprehensive software empowers organizations to seamlessly manage and optimize omnichannel patients journeys and streamline back-office processes.


Icon Improve Patient Loyalty EN
Improve Patient Loyalty
Icon Shorten Patient Wait Times EN
Icon Allow patients To Q-Anywhere EN
Allow Patients To Queue Anywhere
Icon Reduce Employee Workload EN


Logo_Finger Lakes Health
Bay County Tax Collector Customer Quote

We love Q-Flow and don't know what we would do without it. Because of Q-Flow we have made improvements to ensure that patient throughput and Customer Service standards are met on a consistent basis. 

Finger Lakes Health
Geneva General and Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital
Wake Forest - VA Webinar
Portsmouth City Council Customer Quote

I have never been so impressed at how organized the clinics are. It is so efficient. Q-Flow has thought of everything.

Suzanne Coetzer | Sr. Clinical Project Manager, Information Technology Services
Wake Forest Baptist Health

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