Delivering Large-scale Technology Projects, with S.Ronald & L.Leach

Episode 103

Simon Ronald is the VP of Business Development & Laurence Leach is the technical director of ACF Technologies. In this episode, we discuss enterprise projects and the management needed for success. We also dive into the process of migrating to existing systems, minimizing risks and more.

Episode 103


Episode Summary


In this episode, Laurence advises companies looking to migrate to a new system, describing the process and risks that occur if a company is closed off and protective about their existing products. ACF’s technical team are able to create a lot of helpers and wrappers to try and migrate data / integrate processes, transmitting data through processes like APIs.

We also dive into Simon and Laurence’s most memorable stories, from companies that had to be censored, memories of travelling to sites with servers in the back of cars and having to get a train from London to Manchester because of a company placing printer paper upside down in a kiosk!


Want to find out more? Watch or listen to the episode now.


This article summarises podcast episode 103 "How to Deliver Large-Scale Technology Projects" recorded by CX Insider.

Written by Octavian Iotu